About me

Me at a computer

My name is Kirsten Gotting and I’m postdoctoral researcher at the Harvard University in the Extavour Lab. Before this, I completed my Ph.D. at University of Wisconsin - Madison in the Currie Lab, after doing research at The Stowers Institute for Medical Research in the Sánchez Lab.


I graduated from the University of Oregon in 2013 with a BA in Biology with minors in Chemistry and Spanish. After graduating, I joined the University of Oregon Bioinformatics and Genomics Master’s Program which I completed in 2014. I used this program as a stepping stone to learning bioinformatics and genomics. I moved to Kansas City, Missouri to complete my master’s research internship with the Sánchez Lab and The Stowers Institute for Medical Research. My project involved developing an self-documenting RNA-seq pipeline, which I then applied to many projects in the lab. After my internship, I was hired on to continue working as a Bioinformaticist in the Sánchez Lab where I stayed until 2017 and collaborated on many different projects.

I am broadly interested in evolutionary genomics, and for my PhD work I joined Cameron Currie’s lab at the beginning of 2018. In the Currie lab, I use field work, molecular biology, microbiolgy and bioinformatics to explore the evolution and adaptation of microbes to their environments using the fungus-growing ant model symbiosis. One of my major projects aimed to understand the evolution ofthe specialized mycoparasite Escovopsis.

Me at a dissection scope

Outside Academia

Before I joined my PhD I avidly rock climbed. I had the privilege of traveling to Ten Sleep, Wyoming for the summer of 2017 to climb for a couple months before starting my research. I still love climbing, and plan to return to it regularly someday. Now, one of my favorite hobbies is reading! My favorite books I read recently are ‘The Left Hand of Darkness’, ‘Pet’, and ‘Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body’. I also love gardening, cooking, crocheting, and hiking (although you’ll probably find me on the trail staring at plants and fungi rather trying to make it to the end).

Me rock climbing in Cody, Wyoming in 2017 Photo Credit: Louie Anderson

Learn more about me in these features!

How Evolutionary History Can Guide Our Future (2020)

Biological Treasure Hunters (2014)